De-escalation for Communications: Controlling the Call, Not the Caller
Class Date(s) Thursday, Dec 5 2024 8:00AM-4:00PM  
Class# 2410628  

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Description De-escalation for Communications: Controlling the Call, Not the Caller

Definition of de-escalation

Common caller complaints about 911

De-escalation techniques for 911 callers

Controlling the call, not the caller

Dissecting an escalating call

Wording for a positive experience

Persistent repetition

The effects of stress on a telecommunicator

The positive effects of patience

ACOG Members: Free

Non-Members: $50

Price $50.00
  6 Seats Remaining
Class Location
ACOG Offices
4205 N Lincoln Blvd
Oklahoma City, OK   73105
(405) 234-2264
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